Dear Friends,

First of all, a big “thank you” to everyone who supported the coffee morning fund-raiser which we had, for the work of Samaritans Purse in the earthquake area of Turkey & Syria. Following the initial donation of £1,000 immediately following the earthquake, we were able to send another £2,000, hopefully this will be of some help with the work they are doing out there.

Quite a few people told me they had been to Turkey for holidays, so they had a picture in their minds of places near to this area. It certainly has more impact when it happens to somewhere that we may recognize. There will be much work to be done to repair and restore buildings and to allow people to start re-building their lives. We can be glad that we have been able to play a small part in the work being done by skilled people who are able to bring help where it is needed most.

Holidays will be on people’s mind a lot more as we see the signs of spring all around us. It is lovely to see all the yellow daffodils appearing on the roadsides and in the gardens, along with the other spring flowers which cheer us up at this time. Although we have not had a very bad winter it still comes as a morale booster to see the signs of warmer days coming soon. We are very fortunate to live in a beautiful country, but I realise that many of you will be planning trips to see other parts of the world and explore further afield. Hopefully, wherever the planned destination is it will be a welcome and rewarding break away from the daily routine at home. Holidays are not a privilege enjoyed by everyone though, and we should appreciate what a blessing they are when we do get to take a break. As we benefit from our travelling experiences may it inspire us to be more aware of how much inequality there is in this troubled world. 

Returning to the theme at the beginning of this letter, in the last part of Matthew chapter 25, Jesus tells us that by helping those who are in need, we are actually doing it for him. By sharing with others, whether practically or financially, we are doing the Lord’s work here on earth and showing his love to those who need it most.

May every blessing be yours, especially in the special time of Easter.
