Dear Friends,

Well another month has passed! And is Spring going to be anything more than a rumour?  When I was walking home with my friend the other day, a lady said “What a lovely day! And I’ve just seen my first swallow. It’s official, summer’s here”.  I smiled politely and made some comment. But summer it certainly isn’t! The farmer has even kept all the sheep and little lambs inside because it has been too cold to leave them out in the fields. We need to see some sunshine!

But times are not easy, we’re aware of many members in our church family and in our community who are struggling with various issues. We listen to the news and can get so discouraged. Politics seems so contentious, and there seems to be such a lack of moral leadership certainly within Westminster, but also highlighted within the Post Office and other powerful bodies.  It is not only in our country, America is struggling with it’s own conflicts.  Many countries are seeing massive antisemitism breaking out in levels never seen before.  We live in a very troubled and troubling world.

How are we to respond as God’s people in times like this? One of my favourite Scriptures is Philippians 2:15-16 where we are called to ‘become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life.’ 

No matter what chaos may be going on around us – we need to look up!!  We are not alone.  Our Father is still on the only Throne that really matters.  Jesus prays and intercedes for us, he knows our worries and our needs.  The Holy Spirit walks with us to comfort, strengthen and help us.  Our job – is to continue to walk in trust and faith, regardless of what is going on around us in this world. 

I found this lovely saying which sums it up well

‘Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief,

Do justly, now.

Love mercy, now.

Walk humbly, now.

You are not obligated to complete the work,

But neither are you free to abandon it’

The Talmud based on Micah 6:8

Strength for today, and bright hope for tomorrow. Great is His Faithfulness!

Every blessing and have a lovely May. Liz