What’s on?
Sunday Worship
We meet every Sunday at 10.30am in the chapel. Following the service people have a chance to talk and have fellowship over coffee, tea and biscuits.
Bible Study Group
Bible study meets as a house group on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month, starting at 7.30pm. The first half-hour is spent as a sharing and prayer time followed by study from 8pm.
Topics of study are chosen so that all members of the group can make a contribution (if they are comfortable doing that), taking turns to open with a short presentation, followed by exploration and discussion.
Different translations of the Bible are used to give a broad basis for study and for greater understanding of God’s Word.
Prayer Breakfast
Prayer breakfast is held in the vestry below the chapel on the 2nd Saturday of each month. Breakfast starts at 9am and is a simple one of porridge and toast accompanied by tea or coffee.
Prayer time is from 9.30am till 10am and is informal and open to all who want to contribute, whether a short sentence or a more detailed prayer. Prayer is very important to the fellowship at Scapegoat Hill and there are other occasions when we have organised prayer times for everyone to be involved – these are announced separately.
Ladies Fellowship
Open to all in the community, the Ladies Fellowship is an encouraging, welcoming and friendly place where you can be yourself. Evenings focus on, for example, the seasons and travel around the world. Meals out are definitely on the agenda. Come along for fun, fellowship and female banter.
The Ladies Fellowship starts at 2pm and is held on the 1st Monday in the month in the Church, unless otherwise advised.
Craft and Chat
Craft and Chat (formerly Knit and Natter) meets Wednesdays at 2pm in the Vestry of the Church. Enjoy a wide range of activities, including knitting and needlework crafts or opportunities just to sit and have a chat. There are resources available for family history; art; also jigsaws and board games. There are also a selection of books to borrow and take away to read. This group is for everyone, men and women, so please do come along and enjoy a ‘get-together’ for a couple of hours or pop in for a shorter visit. If you are going to need access via the lift please contact us so that this can be arranged.
Ministry of Flowers
This ministry is to provide an opportunity for the church and community to give flowers for remembrance or celebration.
At the end of each service these flowers are taken to the ill, bereaved, in hospital, housebound or celebrating a birthday or birth.
Upcoming Events
Praise and Worship Evening
Watch out for our next evening of praise and worship.
Friends from churches across Huddersfield come together as God’s people on this evening to praise and worship Him, in faith that He will pour out His Holy Spirit in our area as we seek for renewal in our churches and local communities.