Dear Friends

Well this year we managed to leave Wales without any noticeable repercussions; no visits to hospital and no earthquakes! Frances had everything working like clockwork and it was a great weekend. The sound of laughter was never far away and it reminds me of Proverbs 17:22, “a cheerful heart is good medicine”, and sometimes that is just what we need. If any of you are watching ‘The Chosen’ (a wonderful faith based series following the life of Jesus and His disciples) we see laughter and humour in Jesus relationships with people.

When I was a kid, the Sunday School summer outing went all of 9 miles from Seamer to Filey.  We had our lunch in a Methodist church hall. There was a painting on the wall supposedly of Jesus calling the children to himself and blessing them. He was in a very serious pose, sat up very straight, holding His hand above them to bless them. That image of a stiff, stern, aloof, not connected Jesus stayed with me for a long time.

Jesus, our earthly Jesus, was a warm, kind, compassionate man. He walked alongside people. He drew people to Him by the very nature of who He was and gave each person the option to grow in their relationship with His Father. He would laugh, he would engage with people and obviously had a deep love for the children. When He was blessing them, I don’t believe it would have been like the picture in Filey church hall. I believe He would have talked with them, laughed with them, picked them up in His arms, sat them on His knee.

Now, we know the Lord Jesus is in Heaven seated at the right hand of His Father. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He is the same, yesterday, today and forever. So, He is also still the same kind, compassionate, loving Lord who now prays for us in all our troubles and weaknesses. He longs to guide us into a deeper relationship with Himself, so we can change and grow in our faith – to be more like Him. 

We have a special month ahead of us, with baptisms, Mothering Sunday, Palm Sunday, Good Friday and Easter. May the Lord bless us richly during this special season.

With Christian love and affection


PS Whether he is called, Simba, Kiara, Aslan or Judah – beware – the Lion is coming!